Robs Head (Home page)

About me

Where should I start? The usual rules are at the beginning - but hey I am not the sort of guy who always sticks to the rules!

At this moment in time I am a single man living on my own in relative comfort if not exactly the tidiest of abodes... Yep, a typical bachelor, but don't let that put you off. Read on and see what really makes me tick and then make up your mind.

I am lucky enough to have a small select group of friends - I believe in quality rather than quantity. Which I have to say is something that I believe is true in many other aspects too.

I am a movie fan - love them enough that I have a fair sized DVD collection - and still don't own all the films I would like to!

I take the odd one or two photographs and will keep adding to the Gallery area over time. These perhaps show more of some aspects of my life than words can - that old adage about a picture and a thousand words...

I use various chat programs like MSN, Yahoo, ICQ and IRC which does mean that I am someone who is very used to technology - but that is a bonus for my friends and family who make the most of that knowledge - believe me!

As a fan of technology, I do have a few gadgets, but they are there to make my life easier and allow me to stay in touch with everyone who is important to me - and of course provide me with some stress relief after a busy day at work.

I've just started an online diary. I apologise in advance for those times when I don't post something - but I will do my best.

I should also mention that I am expanding my abilities at doing "web stuff" so that I have more strings to my bow. More importantly, a number of things that I do here will relate a lot to things I deal with at work... So a win-win all round.

More about me when I can think of things to add or have more time - or more likely - both!